segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2015

Inicializar VM em Boot XenServer 6.x (Auto-Iniciar Máquinas Virtuais)


In XenServer versions 6.x, the direct GUI ability to auto-start a Virtual Machine on the startup of XenServer was removed. This article describes how to set Virtual Machines to auto-start.


XenServer version 6.x


In XenServer 6.x, the auto-start functionality was removed because it interfered with High Availability (HA) and produced unexpected results during HA functions.


Setting the XenServer to allow Auto-Start

  1. Gather the UUIDs of the pools you wish to auto-start.
  2. To get the list of the pools on your XenServer, run “xe pool-list
  3. Copy the UUID of the pool. If you have just one server, it will still have a pool UUID as noted in the following
    User-added image
  4. Then type the following command to set the pool or server to allow auto-start:
    xe pool-param-set uuid=UUID other-config:auto_poweron=true
    : Replacing UUID with the UUID of the XenServer or pool.

Setting the Virtual Machines to Auto-Start

  1. Gather the UUIDs of the Virtual Machine you want to auto-start by running xe vm-list.
    Note: This generates a list of Virtual Machines in your pool or server and their associated UUIDs.
  2. Copy the UUID of the Virtual Machines you want to auto-start, and run the following command for each Virtual Machine to auto-start:
    xe vm-param-set uuid=UUID other-config:auto_poweron=true
    : Replace UUID with the UUID of the Virtual Machine to auto-start.


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