Update: 06/05/2020 – I seem to have missed a couple of steps when I created the initial post! (I forgot about the systemd unit file – now corrected)
rc.local has been deprecated in Debian 9.
However, you can still enable it with the following steps.
Create a new file /etc/rc.local
Add the following lines:
#!/bin/sh -e # # rc.local # # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel. # Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other # value on error. # # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution # bits. # # By default this script does nothing. exit 0
Make rc.local executable
chmod +x /etc/rc.local
Create a new systemctl unit file
vi /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service
Add the following to this new file:
[Unit] Description=/etc/rc.local Compatibility ConditionPathExists=/etc/rc.local Wants = network-online.target After=local-fs.target network-pre.target apparmor.service systemd-sysctl.service systemd-modules-load.service dbus.service Requires = dbus.service [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/etc/rc.local start TimeoutSec=0 StandardOutput=tty RemainAfterExit=yes SysVStartPriority=99 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
Enable rc.local
systemctl enable rc-local
Start the service:
systemctl start rc-local.service
Get the service status:
systemctl status rc-local.service
If successful, the status output should look like this:
systemctl status rc-local.service ● rc-local.service - /etc/rc.local Compatibility Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rc-local.service; static; vendor preset: enabled) Drop-In: /lib/systemd/system/rc-local.service.d └─debian.conf Active: active (running) since Tue 2018-07-31 09:37:33 BST; 3h 49min ago Process: 522 ExecStart=/etc/rc.local start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
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